
Speaking Engagements | Archive


"Medical Device Trending Compliance Issues" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., Medical Device & Legal Professionals: A Collaborative Exchange, Joint Meeting between the Medical Device Manufacturers Association and the American Bar Association, December 11-12, 2014.

"HIPAA-What Every LNC Needs to Know" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., AALNC Webinar, August 5, 2014.

"HIPAA & HITECH for Legal Nurse Consultants" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., August 5, 2014.

"How to Train Your Attorney - Getting Past No" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., InTouch Conference, July 24, 2014.

"HIPAA Toolkit for Law Firms" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., sponsored by the ABA Center for Professional Development, June 26, 2014.

"A View From The Cloud. Cutting-Edge Insight on The HIPAA Omnibus Rule, Cloud Privacy & Security and HIPAA Enforcement" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., The Physicians Legal Issues Conference, June 12, 2014.

"Final HIPAA Omnibus Rule: 'Better Late Than Never'" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., June 12, 2014.

"FDA Device Regulation 101 (And Why it Matters to You and ITH)" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., May 2, 2014.

"You Mean HIPAA Applies to Lawyers? Keeping Data Safe, Clients Happy and Your License Secure", Clinton Mikel, Esq. as a Speaker/Moderator, April 21, 2014.

"Roundtable: Stark Law and Sunshine Act Q&A With the Attorneys" by Adrienne Dresevic, Esq. and Clinton Mikel, Esq., RBMA Conference, March 10, 2014.


"CMS Expands Geographic Area for Telehealth Coverage in 2014" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., December 8, 2013.

"Health Information Technology Policy and Regulations: Overview of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., Health Information Technology: Improving Quality and Value, October 2013.

"Introduction to Privacy Law: HIPAA & Hitech for PI Lawyers" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., The 10th Annual No-Fault Institute, September 20, 2013.

"HIPAA, HITECH, and You" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., The 10th Annual No-Fault Institute, September 20, 2013.

"TeleHealth Legal Update" by Clinton Mikel, Esq., July 26, 2013.

"Negotiating an Electronic Health Record (EHR) Agreement: A Marriage Between Healthcare and Technology" moderated by Clinton Mikel, Esq., June 20, 2013.

Clinton Mikel, Esq. presented at the Physicians Legal Issues Conference, American Bar Association Health Law Section in conjunction with Chicago Medical Society, Radisson Blu Aqua, Chicago, IL, June 13-15, 2013.

Adrienne Dresevic, Esq., Carey F. Kalmowitz, Esq., and Clinton Mikel, Esq. presented Healthcare/Real Estate Issues Primer to NAI Farbman and its hospital clients, May 17, 2013.

“The Savvy (& Safe) Physician’s Guide to Utilizing EMRs” by Clinton Mikel, Esq., St. Mary Mercy Hospital Continuing Medical Education (CME) program, January 23, 2013.

Clinton Mikel, Esq. participated in the Health Law Section Podcast Panel for ABA Podcast, "Interested in a Career in Health Law?".


"DMC-PHO Office Managers Forum - Hot Compliance Topics: Marketing and Fraud and Abuse" by Adrienne Dresevic, Esq. and Clinton Mikel, Esq., June 28, 2012.


“Internal Compliance Investigations & Self-Disclosure Issues” by Clinton Mikel, Esq., Michigan Association of CPAs, April 28, 2011.


“Fraud and Abuse and HITECH Changes for Compliance Programs” by Clinton Mikel, Esq., Southeastern Michigan Health Information Management Association, November 30, 2010.

“HITECH for Group Health Plans and Business Associates” by Clinton Mikel, Esq., Employee Benefits Committee and the Health Care Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan, November 4, 2010.